Monday, May 28, 2012

Quickie: Memorial Day!

In honor of Memorial Day I would like to take this time to thank the troops past and present for their dedication and sacrifice for this great country. And thank their families for the sacrifice that they make. Their heroism and courage allows for freedom and democracy to spread. so that one day all people may be free from tyranny and oppression. I continue to ask God to bless this great country that I love so much and to watch over the troops and their families.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Gay marriage, abortion and the independent voter

Apologies to the extremist on both sides on the political spectrum, the latest Gallup poll on abortion shows just how pragmatic American Voters can be when it comes to social issues. 
This may come to news to the extremist special interest groups on both sides of the political aisle. After all these organizations have made a good living through the years pushing their own brand of morality on American voters. These advocacy groups have also contributed to the toxic environment by simplifying every issue and demonizing every opponent.
Few issues have divided America than the abortion and gay marriage. And yet Americans are now declaring independence from rigid agendas by heading in the opposite ideological   directions in these two heated debates.
Recent surveys show voters are becoming more progressive on gay marriage. The divide and conquer strategy that worked my party back in 2004 will never again be as effective as it was during the George W. Bush’s reelection campaign.
At the same time polls are showing that voters are becoming more conservative on abortion.  Even though most believe abortion should be legal in some cases.
So what does it mean? Attitudes on abortion are changing, but not overnight and the same is true for gay marriage. President Obama is likely to lose the swing state of North Carolina because he came out in support of marriage equality.  Republicans are just as likely to lose suburban women and other swing voters if they go too far on abortion in the next few months, The GOP presidential primary campaign underlined that fact in bright red ink earlier this year.
Still attitudes are changing on both issues. And the extremist on both sides will soon find themselves out of touch and stuck in the dark ages. 

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Only God Can Change You

Don't obsess over your faults, or you will never enjoy the life that Jesus died to give you. Only God can change you, so talk to Him about your desires. The word says that those who wait on the Lord will change. 
  Meanwhile, quit taking your flaws so seriously. Don't let discouragement or depression rob you of your energy and make you angry. If you do, you may take that anger out on other people and miss the blessings God has in store for you today. Enjoy yourself, and lighten up! Take the right steps today toward the change you want by asking God to help you all day long.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Rev. Dr. Otis Moss III speaks out about Marriage Equality

As a christian and a Republican I have always felt you can not legislate faith, morality and religious values. Everyone pratices their faith and religion differently. We all don't believe in the same God and some just don't believe in God at all. And who am I (we) to judge? That's not my place. That's up to God to do the judging. I believe in freedom of choice and I believe that God gave us all free will. The Founding Fathers of this great country were right the church and state should be separate. 

 “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” Martin Luther King, Jr.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

A Tribute to my Mother: "Meant to Be"

Meant to be …. You were meant to be exactly who GOD chose you to be

You were meant to be a good mom and you have done just that with love in your heart for your children.

Your love and many sacrifices have been never ending since the very beginning.

Meant to be a great grandmother who loves her grandkids!

To them you bring a loving joy and true happiness from a heart so big!

I just want to let you know how much I love you!

As a Mother and a Grandmother You’ve shown what love can do.

For you’re are a true example of how a Mother should be

Demonstrating a Godly faith that you’ve passed down to me

You’re exactly who GOD meant you to be!

Michelle Carol Jackson GODS loves thee!



Saturday, May 12, 2012

President Obama & Same-Sex Marriage

For the past four years I have been working on and fighting for marriage equality here in California. So, when President Obama came out this past week and endorsed same-sex marriage it felt like a huge victory in the continuing fight for full equal rights for the LGBT community in the United States.  President Obama took the conservative, the federalism position on same-sex marriage. Leave it up to the states to decide.  I may not agree with Mr. Obama and his politics but I applaud the President for coming out in support. Now I believe African Americans will still support the president and not turn on him. In 2008 here in California President Obama carried over 90% of the African American vote; however 50% of African Americans voted in favor of proposition 8. I believe civil rights should never be on the ballot and the masses shouldn’t determine whether a certain group of people have the right to do something because quit often the masses will get it wrong. While the economy is certain to dominate the campaign over the next few months, gay marriage could have an impact in key states by influencing voter turnout among important constituencies, among them minorities and young people. National surveys show a majority of Americans support same-sex marriage.  North Carolina voters, for example overwhelmingly passed a referendum Tuesday that strengthened the state’s gay-marriage ban. It appears to have driven GOP turnout to record levels. 61 percent of voters approved the measure in a traditionally GOP state Mr. Obama won four years ago. While its unlikely blacks will suddenly decide to vote for Mitt Romney over this, if some of them decide to stay home, it could make a difference in the outcome of the election.   Mr. Obama‘s statement might have made him the first sitting American President to support same-sex marriage but it carried no immediate policy changes. In the end, the legality of gay marriage will decided primarily in the states and court, not the White House. 

Friday, May 11, 2012

We Need Each Other

We need each other in the body of Christ. Men and women. Adults and children. All races. Gay and straight. We all need each other. Denominations need each other. I believe that we when we get to heaven, we will learn the truth about our differences. We will learn that all of us were right about some things and wrong about others.
   But even the things we were right about won't matter. God wants us to get along, to stop fighting with everyone over petty things we disagree about, and to begin to find things we can can agree about so that we may get along with one another. Practice looking for ways to agree with other believers, and watch what God does through the unity of faith.

Again I tell you, if two of you on Earth agree about whatever they may ask, it will come to pass be for them by My Father in heaven. Matthew 18:19

Happy Friday everyone and have a great weekend!

-Bryon Jackson

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Humble Yourself

Let this same attitude and purpose and [humble] mind be in you which was in Christ Jesus: [Let Him be your example in humility].PHILIPPIANS 2:5

      Humility comes from brokenness; brokenness hurts so bad, but it "hurts good". Brokenness comes when we learn that we are not hotshots after all. Brokenness comes when we judge others, and then realize that we do the same things they do. Brokenness come when we think we are going to step out and do something great, and then fall flat on our faces because we forgot to stay plugged in to God. 
     Brokenness comes when we give our opinion, knowing that we are absolutely right to the point of arguing  about it, and then find that we are wrong. Brokenness is for us. Brokenness leads to humility, and humility precedes honor. 


Friday, May 4, 2012

Positive Change

Our Happiness and joy are not dependent on whether or not other people do what we want them to do. We may never be able to influence anyone else to do what we think is right. But with God's help, we can change ourselves to bring about the results we want in life. I have discovered that if I change in a positive way, and if it is permanent and stable change, it almost provokes change in the people around me. If you want your life to be different, ask God to show you how you need to change. Accept others for who they are, and see how God works in you to complete your joy.
