Thursday, November 8, 2012

Democrats and Taxes, Learn Something.

 November 8, 2012 by derrickacoleman  

It seems like Barack Obama and his liberal followers are claiming that raising taxes will help our economy. Bill Clinton raised taxes and that led to the 90′s economic boom. Well that is a lie. As often as the sky is blue, liberals are caught lying. And now I’m about to expose yet another lie.
First I’ll start off by saying that high taxes won’t help solve our deficit.
As long as Obama continues to be the highest spending President ever, the deficit will never be reduced.
So how can we control the deficit? Well, Obama needs to stop spending. Cut programs we can’t afford. And cut taxes. Yes, I said cut taxes.
My mother (God Bless Her) owns a small business. I saw her build it up by herself, from the ground up and run it herself. So I’m somewhat aware of how a small business works.
With Obama and his 6 trillion dollar attitude still sitting in the White House and the Federal Reserves printing because of a lack of a leash, inflation continues to rise. The dollar is becoming less and less valuable, and this causes the price of products to rise. This hurts business. Now let’s take a look at taxes.
High taxes hurt business, and most are crippling under the weight of the taxes now, with the massive tax increase headed our way we can expect most will shut their doors, sadly.
When you cut taxes, business’s can afford to hire workers, as we know private sector jobs make America strong. With more people working there is a broader base of income tax payers. If you cut spending and cut taxes we will slowly be able to pay off this deficit we have. But of course Obama was reelected so I don’t see this happening.
If you believed Obama when he said the raising taxes will help rebuild the economy and to look at how Clinton did it. You’re too gullible.
I’ll explain why.
Liberals today, claim that the 1990′s economic boom has a direct result of the tax increases he pushed in his first term. This is false. Bill Clinton proved to us that economic prosperity doesn’t lie through taxing the wealthy, it lies through tax cuts, reform and a strong dollar…Hmm sounds like a Republican concept.
In 1993 Billy Clinton signed into action a tax increase. It raised the top two income tax rates from 36% to 39.6%. This also did away with the cap on the 2.9% medicare payroll tax. It raised the corporate tax rate to 35% and last but not least it raised the price of gas.
This is the exact method today’s liberals think will work. Well it doesn’t and if you think this helps the middle class you’re severely mistaken.
Well in the 1994 elections the democrats lost the house and senate. Things must have been bad. The Republicans gained 54 house seats and 8 senate seat taking control for the first time the long time… Interesting isn’t it, the economic boom of the 90′s took place when a Democratic President actually worked with a Republican Senate and House.
”Probably there are people in this room still mad at me at that budget because you think I raised your taxes too much. It might surprise you to know that I think I raised them too much, too.” – Bill Clinton.
During Clintons first term. The economy was at a standstill. With the high taxes the economy wasn’t growing.
Bill Clinton then devised an excellent flip flop on his tax policy and together with the Republican controlled House and the help of Newt Gingrich they reformed welfare, which was signed into action in 1996. This led to a massive reduction in the effective tax rates on the poor by improving the “getting out of welfare” benefits when people went back to work… Also lowered the amount of money the Government was spending on welfare. Newt also balanced the budget (knock knock Harry Reid).
The North American Free Trade continued, leading to massive trade between Mexico, Canada, and The United States.
Clinton signed into action a reduction in the capitol gains tax. He also singed the 1997 tax cuts that established Roth IRAs and increased the limits for deductible IRAs.
Also (here’s the big one) Federal spending was kept below 3%… Can Mr. Obama please read this? Inflation was also kept low and the dollar was strong.
After all these were singed into action the economy took off. Economic growth grew 4.2% annually. 2.1 million jobs were created annually. The unemployment dropped from 5.4% to 4.0%. As the capitol gains tax decreased, Hourly wages increased!!!!!!
401k’s shot up along with the stock market. Not to mention Bill Clinton had excellent timing with the internet and computer boom.
Revenue growth extended to over 59% a year which is about 143 billion a year. This combined with limited Government spending created a strong economic boom.
This created excellent wealth and strong times for our economy. It wasn’t done by raising taxes on the rich, or raising the capitol gains tax, nor by increasing federal spending (especially by 6 trillion).
This great boom happened not because we took the rich out of prosperity but because we freed the poor from the welfare system, we lowered tariffs, reduced taxes on the creators of wealth, limited the growth and the spending of the federal Government and maintained a strong dollar.
We can easily achieve this status again in time. But honestly not for another 4 years. Hopefully it will not be to late by then. It’s sad that Mitt Romney was going to do exactly all of these things. Bill Clinton took on a more Republican strategy for the economy thanks to the House and Senate and because of this the economy boomed.
Do not believe the Democrats and Obama when they say that raising taxes will create jobs, prosperity and wealth. These policies hurt the poor and the middle class the most.
This is the belief of the Democrats and Taxes, hope you learned something.

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